Dear Harry; the Firsthand Account of a World War I Infantryman

Praise for Dear Harry

Dear Harry; The Firsthand Account of a World War I Infantryman

The late Lt.-Col. Gordon Atkinson, who reviewed Dear Harry work commented, “Fascinating and evocative of war. The life of an infantry soldier never changes; we are men from the point-end of war. First in, last out.” And Tim Cook, First World War historian at the Canadian War Museum expressed the following: “As a student of Canadian history [Dear Harry] was a thrilling opportunity to gain insight into a little taught era in our heritage.

"My father used to tell me that on the battlefield, when the angel of mercy and the angel of hope have done their utmost and are defeated, then and only then does the angel of death appear.  I used to wonder what my grandfather would have said about the battlefield...and then I read his letters—handwritten correspondence that has been preserved in a blue velvet box for nearly 100 years."  - author, Norma Shephard

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